Your Dog’s Health, from 1 to 8 Years
Your Dog’s Health, from 1 to 8 Years

Adult Dogs Health Care Guide

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Just like humans, dogs too need constant care and support throughout their lifetime. We all know puppies need more attention and care; however, did you know? Adult dog health is also equally important. In fact, dogs’ health is the primary responsibility of every pet parent. Providing the right nutrition and health care largely contributes to your pooch’s health. 

Keeping the four-legged angel away from the harmful pathogens, germs, and unhygienic surroundings is also a prime responsibility of every caregiver. A dog’s behavior, mood, and diet can say a lot about its baby’s health and fitness. Hence, as a dog parent, you must keep a close eye on your pet’s behavioral changes.

Signs of a healthy dog

There are many signs that help pet caregivers keep a tab on their canine companion’s health. Given below are a few signs to look for to understand your dog’s health and fitness status:

  • Shiny fur: Your pooch’s fur gives you direct insight into its health. You can easily identify a dog’s health with a single glance at its fur. A glossy, shiny fur with no parasites or bald spots is considered healthy. However, you must know that a certain degree of shedding is considered normal in some breeds.
  • Bright eyes: Another sign of a healthy dog is bright, shiny eyes. If your dog’s eyes are perfectly bright and have no issues of discharge or watering, it is considered a healthy sign.
  • Smooth skin: You should constantly check your fur baby’s skin alongside glancing over their fur. Your pet’s skin should ideally be free of any scratches, rashes, growth, and redness.
  • Clean ears: Another sign of a healthy adult dog are clean ears. Your dog’s ears should have no discharge, wax, or swelling as they could be a sign of an ear infection.
  • Temperature: 101°F to 102.5°F is the average normal body temperature for dogs. Your pooch’s health might be at risk in case of low or high temperature. Hence, you should constantly record their body temperature to ensure they are fit and fine.
  • Oral health: Adult dog health is also linked to gum, teeth, and mouth hygiene. Signs of healthy oral health in dogs include strong teeth, pink and normal gums, and no foul smell.
  • Normal stool: A healthy dog will not have any issues passing stool or urinating. You should constantly check your dog’s stool to look for signs of constipation and diarrhea. Signs of parasites and worms in stool can also be symptoms of an unhealthy dog.

Signs of a sick dog

Knowing about the symptoms of a sick dog helps caregivers identify and treat their pooch’s medical condition in time. Given below are a few signs and symptoms that might help you recognize any dog illness:

  • Loss of appetite: If you notice your pooch eating lesser or not being as enthusiastic about treats and mealtime, then there could be a potential health concern. Loss of appetite could be linked to stomach issues, gastrointestinal issues, or other illnesses.
  • Cough: Constant sneezing and coughing are signs of flu. Even though most adult dogs recover from flu within a few weeks, they can sometimes develop other bacterial infections. Hence, it is better to get them treated at the earliest to avoid such concerns.
  • Pain: If you notice your pet frequently chewing on their joints, limping, or whimpering, then they could be suffering from some sort of pain. Visit a vet at the earliest to get the issue diagnosed and start the necessary treatment.
  • Irritation: Constant irritation, aggression, and uncalled change in behavior is other signs of undiagnosed illness in dogs. Unlike humans, dogs cannot express their feelings in words. Hence, you need to pay close attention to their behavior to understand their complaints and concerns. Visible signs of irritation, barking, and sometimes lethargy could also be considered a sign of illness in adult dogs.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting: Dogs often vomit or pass stool when suffering from an upset stomach. Watery stool and constant urge to pee or pass stool are a few known signs of potential illness in dogs. If you notice your pet vomiting or suffering from diarrhea, you should consult a vet at the earliest.

Maintaining your pet’s health is an essential part of caring for them. Visiting a vet is necessary for getting your pooch vaccinated and regularly checked. Veterinarian doctors also prepare diet charts and suggest health supplements for your dog depending on its health requirements. In conclusion, looking for signs of sickness and constantly inspecting your dog's physical and psychological well-being ensures that your furry friend is hale and hearty.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are some common dog’s health issues?
  2. Heartworms, canine influenza, parasites, and leptospirosis are some common health issues faced by dogs.

  3. How do I know if my dog is healthy?
  4. If your dog shows no signs or symptoms of illness, eats well, rests enough, and is in a pleasant mood on most days, then your dog is more likely to be healthy.

  5. What are the signs of a healthy dog?
  6. A clean, shiny coat, healthy pink gum, smooth skin, and normal body temperature are a few signs of a healthy dog.

  • Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful
    Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful
    Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful

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    We often find ourselves wanting to share our meals with our furry companions. While it's natural to want to share every aspect of our lives with them, should we really include dogs in our gastronomic adventures? Let’s find out!

    Can dogs eat human foods?

    The answer is both yes and no. While dogs are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, their digestive systems differ significantly from ours. This means that some human foods that are perfectly safe for us can actually be harmful or even toxic to our canine companions.

    Human foods: What can dogs eat

    Here are some safe and healthy human foods dogs can eat:

    • Carrots: Crunchy and delicious, carrots are excellent for dental health and packed with essential nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamin A.
    • Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon promotes healthy skin and coat, and is a good source of protein. Remember to cook it without harmful seasonings or oils.
    • Blueberries: These tiny berries are bursting with antioxidants and fiber, making them a healthy and delicious treat for your dog.
    • Eggs: Scrambled or hard-boiled, cooked eggs are a safe and nutritious protein source for dogs.
    • Peanut butter: Unsweetened and unsalted peanut butter is a tasty and healthy source of fat for your dog. You can even use it to fill puzzle toys for extra mental stimulation.

    Human foods: What can dogs not eat

    Beware of these common human foods that are toxic to dogs:

    • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, a stimulant that can cause heart problems, vomiting, seizures, and even death in dogs.
    • Grapes and raisins: These pose a risk of kidney failure in dogs, even in small quantities.
    • Onions and garlic: Toxic even in small quantities, these can cause anemia and damage red blood cells in dogs.
    • Avocado: The flesh and pit of avocados contain persin, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis in dogs.
    • Macadamia nuts: These nuts can cause weakness, tremors, hyperthermia, and even death in dogs.

    Additional tips:

    • Always introduce new foods slowly to avoid digestive upset.
    • Moderation is key. Even safe foods should be given in moderation to avoid weight gain and other health problems.
    • Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about specific foods or your dog's health.

    Choosing the right food for your dog

    While it's certainly tempting to share our meals with our beloved furry companions, it's crucial to remember that their dietary needs are distinct from ours. Human foods, even those seemingly harmless, can be detrimental to a dog's health.

    Why? Unlike human food, dog food is specially formulated to meet their specific nutritional requirements. It's a carefully balanced diet packed with proteins, essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients vital for their overall well-being.

    Why specialised dog food matters

    • Balanced nutrition: Dog food is carefully formulated to provide all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your dog needs for optimal growth and development. It ensures they receive the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber, promoting a healthy immune system, strong bones and muscles, and a shiny coat.
    • Digestive health: Human food can be difficult for dogs to digest, leading to gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dog food is designed to be easily digestible by their sensitive systems, promoting optimal nutrient absorption and gut health.
    • Specific needs: Different breeds and life stages have varying nutritional requirements. Puppies need additional energy and nutrients for growth, while older dogs may require a diet lower in calories and fat. Specialised dog food caters to these specific needs, ensuring your furry friend receives the right nutrition for their age and breed.

    For instance, IAMS dog food is crafted with your dog's health in mind. It provides a range of benefits such as:

    • Strong and healthy bones and muscles: IAMS dog food is rich in protein, which is crucial for supporting healthy growth and development.
    • Shiny coat and healthy skin: The food contains essential fatty acids that contribute to a radiant coat and healthy skin.
    • Enhanced immunity: IAMS provides vital nutrients that help boost your dog's immune system, protecting them from illnesses.
    • Improved digestive health: The food contains prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion and gut health.

    Our ultimate goal is to take the best care of our dogs. This means feeding them with nutrient-rich foods that cater to their specific dietary needs. By choosing the right food, like IAMS products, you ensure that your dog stays healthy, energetic, and happy.