Crate training your puppy
Crate training your puppy

Crate training your puppy

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Watch as Expert Dog Trainer Kathy Santo talks about how to crate train your puppy. She’ll go over everything from the philosophy behind the crate training method to precautions you should take to make sure that it’s a positive experience for the both of you.


Hi, I'm Kathy Santo with IAMS, and today we're going to talk about how to crate train your puppy. We'll begin with a general discussion on the philosophy supporting the crate training method. We'll review what you'll need, the steps involved in the process itself, and some possible troubles you may encounter along the way. Before you begin crate training, it helps to understand the philosophy behind this method. If your dog is properly crate trained, he'll view his crate as a private room with a view, a safe haven he can call his own, and a quiet place he can relax in. He won't see it as a rigid structure of confinement and punishment. In fact, it'll be just the opposite. In nature, wild dogs seek out and use their den as a home where they can hide from danger, sleep, and raise their young. In your home, the crate becomes your puppy's den, an ideal spot to sleep and stay out of harm's way. And for you, the benefits of crate training are house training, because your puppy won't like to soil the area where he sleeps, limited access to the rest of the house, where he learns the house rules, and transporting safely and easily in the car. Start crate training a few days after your puppy settles in. Before you can start crate training, you and your family members must understand that the create can never be used for punishment. Never leave your young puppy under six months in his crate for more than three hours. He'll get bored, have to go to the bathroom, and won't understand why he's been left alone in discomfort. As your dog gets older, he can be crated for longer periods of time, because his bladder isn't as small. But keep in mind he still needs a healthy portion of exercise and attention daily. If you and your family are unable to accommodate your puppy's exercise, feeding, and bathroom needs, consider hiring a dog walker or asking a neighbor or friend for assistance. After that, the crate should be a place he goes into voluntarily, with the door always open. There are a variety of crates available for purchase these days, each of which is designed for a different lifestyle need. When selecting a crate, you want to make sure it's just large enough for your puppy to be able to stand up, turn around, and lay down in comfortably. Because your puppy will grow quickly, I often recommend getting a crate that fits the size you expect your puppy to grow to, and simply block off the excess crate space, so your dog can't eliminate at one end and retreat to the other. The two most important things to remember while crate training are that it should be associated with something pleasant, and takes place in a series of small steps. The first step is to introduce your puppy to his crate. This will serve as his new den. Put bedding and chew toys in his crate, and let him investigate his area. If he chews or urinates on his bedding, permanently remove it. Observe and interact with your puppy while he's acclimating to his crate. This will help forge a sense of pack, and establish you as the pack leader. Encourage him to enter the crate with soft words and some treats. You can also pre-place some treats in the back corners and under the blankets to help make it a pleasant experience. Step two is to start feeding your puppy in his crate. Begin with the bowls near the opening of the crate. As your puppy becomes less reluctant to enter, slowly inch the food back every feeding, until you're placing it all the way in the back. When you get to the point where your puppy happily enters the crate, and stands in the back to eat, begin gently closing the crate door behind him while he's eating. At first, open the door immediately after he finishes. But after that, begin leaving the door closed a bit longer every time. If your puppy cries, you may have increased the time too fast. So decrease the length of it, and then slowly begin increasing it again. When he does cry, do not let him out until he stops, or he'll always do this to get his way. Once your puppy is used to eating his meals and waiting to be let out with no anxiety or crying, you can start confining him longer when you're home. To do so, call him over with a treat, and give it to him in his crate. Associating a command such as 'kennel' is important, so he understands the reward is a result of going in the crate. At first, you'll need to sit quietly next to him. If he's fine after 10 minutes, go into the other room for a bit, and then come back and let him out, only if he is calm and not crying. If he is crying, you'll have to wait until he's calm. Once you can leave him for about 30 minutes at a time without him getting upset, you can start leaving him there longer. Eventually, decrease the amount of reward you give him for entering the crate, so that saying the command word is sufficient. When you get home after being away for a long time, your puppy will likely be very excited to see you. It's important not to reward this behavior, or anticipating your arrival every day may be stressful for him. And lastly, make sure to crate your dog for short periods of time while you're home, or else he will associate crating with being left alone. I'm Kathy Santo with IAMS, and I hope that you found this helpful as you welcome your new addition to your family.

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    Vitamin K for Dogs - Benefits & Side Effects

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    At the heart of your dog's vitality lies vitamin K. From ensuring proper blood clotting to promoting robust bone health, the importance of vitamin K for dogs’ well-being cannot be overstated. In this blog, we will uncover the benefits surrounding this essential nutrient, exploring its sources, functions, and why it is imperative for fostering a healthy and happy life for your furry friend.

    What is vitamin K?

    Vitamin K, a crucial fat-soluble nutrient for dogs, holds paramount importance in their overall health. Best known for its role in blood clotting, vitamin K ensures your canine companion's body can effectively respond to injuries by forming clots, preventing excessive bleeding. Beyond its hemostatic function, vitamin K plays a key role in bone health, regulating calcium and supporting protein synthesis crucial for maintaining bone density.

    Two main forms, K1 (found in green leafy vegetables) and K2 (sourced from animal products and fermented foods), highlight the importance of a diverse diet. Understanding these sources and functions is pivotal, ensuring your dog receives a balanced nutritional intake.

    Can dogs have vitamin K?

    Yes, dogs can and should have vitamin K as part of their diet. While dogs can synthesise some vitamin K on their own, it is often not sufficient for their overall health. However, it's important to note that dog diets should be carefully curated, as excessive vitamin K supplementation can lead to adverse effects. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of vitamin K for your dog's specific needs. By incorporating the right sources of vitamin K into your dog's diet, you contribute to their blood clotting, bone health, and overall well-being.

    Is vitamin K good for dogs?

    Yes, Vitamin K is beneficial for dogs and plays a crucial role in maintaining their overall health. As mentioned previously, vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, which is vital in preventing excessive bleeding in case of injuries or wounds. It also contributes to bone health and supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Including sufficient vitamin K in a dog's diet is particularly important to ensure their blood coagulation mechanisms are functioning optimally.

    While vitamin K is generally safe for dogs, it is essential to provide it in appropriate amounts. Excessive intake of vitamin K for dogs may lead to adverse effects, so it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian to determine the right dosage for your dog's specific needs. Additionally, pet parents should be cautious about offering human supplements, as they may contain ingredients that are harmful to dogs.

    Benefits of vitamin K for dogs

    Understanding the diverse benefits of vitamin K for dogs is crucial in crafting a well-rounded approach to their nutritional needs. From supporting blood clotting to contributing to bone health, vitamin K plays a multifaceted role in enhancing your canine companion's overall well-being.

    • Blood clotting support

    Vitamin K is pivotal in the synthesis of clotting factors, enabling your dog's blood to coagulate effectively. This ensures a rapid response to injuries, preventing excessive bleeding from minor wounds and promoting a quicker recovery process.

    • Bone health

    Beyond its hemostatic function, vitamin K regulates calcium within bones and facilitates the synthesis of proteins vital for maintaining optimal bone density. This not only supports skeletal strength but also contributes to a reduced risk of bone-related issues in your dog.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties

    Research suggests that vitamin K possesses anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in managing conditions characterized by inflammation, and promoting a more comfortable and active life for your furry friend.

    • Cell protection

    Serving as an antioxidant, vitamin K helps protect cells from damage, fortifying your dog's cellular health and bolstering their immune function against external stressors.

    • Cardiovascular health

    Emerging studies indicate a potential link between vitamin K for dogs and cardiovascular health, with the vitamin playing a role in preventing the calcification of arteries. This aspect highlights the broader impact of Vitamin K on your dog's systemic well-being.

    Incorporating vitamin K-rich foods into your dog's diet can harness these benefits, but it's essential to consult with your veterinarian to tailor a nutrition plan that aligns with your dog's specific needs and ensures a vibrant and healthy life.

    Vitamin K sources for dogs

    Navigating the nutritional landscape for your canine companion involves understanding diverse sources of Vitamin K1 and K2. Here is a breakdown of some safe vitamin K foods for dogs:

    Sources of vitamin K1 for dogs

    • Turnip greens: Turnip greens are a nutrient powerhouse for dogs, particularly rich in vitamin K1. This essential nutrient plays a pivotal role in promoting proper blood clotting, making turnip greens a valuable addition to your dog's diet for overall health and injury resilience.
    • Broccoli: Beyond its crunchy texture and appealing taste, broccoli is a canine-friendly source of vitamin K1. Regular inclusion of broccoli in your dog's meals supports not only blood clotting but also contributes to robust bone health, ensuring a foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle.
    • Brussels sprouts: These are not only a flavourful treat for dogs but also a source of vitamin K1, supporting their blood clotting mechanisms. Including Brussels sprouts in your dog's diet provides a diverse range of nutrients, showcasing their role not just as a tasty snack but as a nutritional asset.
    • Green beans: Green beans offer more than just a crunchy and refreshing snack for dogs, they contain vitamin K1, enhancing your pet's coagulation system. Whether given as treats or added to meals, green beans contribute to the overall well-being of your dog, ensuring a balanced intake of essential nutrients.
    • Green peas: Packed with vitamin K1, green peas are a nutrient-dense addition to your dog's diet. Besides supporting blood clotting, these peas provide a burst of energy and contribute to the overall vitality of your furry friend when incorporated into their regular meals.
    • Cabbage: Incorporating cabbage into your dog's meals also provides a source of vitamin K1. This nutrient is vital for maintaining a healthy coagulation system, underlining the importance of varied and balanced nutrition for your dog's optimal health.

    Sources of vitamin K2 for dogs

    • Hard and soft cheeses: Delight your dog's taste buds with hard and soft cheeses like Gouda or Brie, which not only make for a delicious treat but also serve as a source of vitamin K2. Incorporating these cheeses into your dog's diet can contribute to their overall well-being, providing essential nutrients for various physiological functions.
    • Pork chops: As a meaty source of vitamin K2, pork chops offer a tasty option that goes beyond satisfying your dog's palate. The inclusion of pork chops in your dog's diet supports their overall well-being, emphasising the importance of diverse protein sources for a balanced and nutritious canine diet.
    • Ground beef: Rich in vitamin K2, ground beef adds a flavorful element to your dog's meals while contributing to their blood clotting and bone health. This meaty option provides a range of essential nutrients, making it a valuable component of a well-rounded canine diet.
    • Chicken: Beyond being a versatile protein source, chicken also provides vitamin K2, supporting your dog's blood clotting mechanisms. Whether served as lean cuts or included in balanced meals, chicken contributes to the nutritional diversity essential for your dog's overall health.
    • Beef, pork, or chicken liver: Organ meats like liver, whether from beef, pork, or chicken, are rich sources of vitamin K2. The inclusion of these meats in your dog's diet ensures a nutrient boost, supporting various physiological functions and highlighting the importance of incorporating organ meats for a well-rounded canine nutrition plan.
    • Eggs: Beyond their protein content, eggs also offer vitamin K2, contributing to your dog's overall health. Whether scrambled, boiled, or included in meals, eggs provide a versatile and nutrient-packed option, promoting blood clotting and bone development in your cherished companion.
    • Vitamin K supplements: While there is a range of foods that can be added to your dog’s diet for vitamin K, there is also a range of dog supplements available in the market for boosting your dog’s health. You can also consider incorporating these under veterinary guidance to ensure a balanced and tailored approach to your dog's nutritional needs, supporting blood clotting and overall canine health.

    Vitamin K for dogs is essential for their overall well-being, playing a crucial role in blood clotting and bone health. The importance of a diverse diet, encompassing both K1 and K2 from sources like green leafy vegetables and animal products, cannot be overstated. However, the key lies in moderation, as excessive supplementation may have adverse effects. It is essential to consult with your veterinarian to ensure informed decision-making. By responsibly incorporating vitamin K-rich foods into your dog's meals, you contribute to their resilience to tackle everyday challenges. This nutritional journey fosters a healthy and joyous life for your cherished furry companion.