Common Questions About Feeding Dogs
Common Questions About Feeding Dogs

Common Questions About Feeding Dogs

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Giving your dog the right nutrients and a complete, balanced diet does not have to be a head-scratcher. All you need to know is what can a dog eat, how much to feed your dog or puppy, how to feed dogs, how many times to feed a dog, how to handle treats and supplements, etc. And this article tries to answer commonly asked questions on dog feeding. 



  1. How do I decide what to feed my dog? 

When deciding which dog food is right for your pet, consider these three factors: 

  • Your dog’s life stage (Whether your dog is a puppy, an adult, or a senior)
  • Lifestyle (How active your dog is)
  • Condition (Overall health and body weight of your dog)  


  1. How many times should I feed a dog? 

Puppies should be fed three times a day from weaning (3 to 6 weeks) to 4 months of age. After 4 months, they should be fed twice a day. Most dogs should continue to be fed twice a day throughout their life, although some pets do well with one feeding.


  1.  How much should I feed my dog?

The answer to this question depends on your dog’s age, size, and activity level. Feeding guidelines, which list the daily-recommended portion, are included on all IAMS™ packages. Start feeding your dog with this amount and adjust according to its needs. Remember to divide the portion accordingly if you feed more than once a day.


  1. How much should I feed a puppy? 

The amount of food you need to feed your puppy depends on 3 main factors — breed, weight, and age. However, you can look at this puppy feeding table that we recommend for puppies: 



Adult target weight (kg)

Recommended daily feeding (g/day)
    <3 months 3-6 months 6-9 months 9-12 months 12-18 months

Toy breed

1-3 15-72 32-83 37-83


  3-5 33-106 72-121 83-121    

Small breed

5-8 48-151 106-172 111-172 111-170

Transition to IAMS™ Proactive Health™ Adult Dog Food 

  8-10 69-178 151-204 170-204 170-201  

Medium breed

10-20 82-299 178-343 201-343 201-339  
  20-25 137-346 299-404 339-404 339-404  

Large breed

25-40 136-492 346-575 404-575 396-575 396-563
  40-50 191-509 493-675 575-681 563-681 553-676


This diet contains 390 kilocalories of metabolizable energy (ME) per 100 gms. Remember to have clean, fresh water available for your dog always.


  1. When should I switch puppy to adult dog food diet? 

You should not change your puppy’s food to adult abruptly. Giving your pet time to acclimatise to the new taste of adult food is very important. Also, if you suddenly switch your pup’s food, it can cause digestive problems. Go through this schedule that will help you understand how much to feed your dog and transition your dog’s diet from puppy food to adult food:

  1. Day 1 – Add 75% puppy food and mix 25% adult food in your dog’s plate.
  2. Day 2 – Add both foods in equal quantities i.e., 50% puppy food and 50% adult food.
  3. Day 3 – Increase the quantity of adult food to 75% and bring down the quantity of puppy food to 25%.
  4. Day 4 – Fully transition to adult dog food.  


If you are wondering how much to feed your puppy by weight and age, check out the weight and age-wise breakdown on when to transition your puppy’s diet to adult food: 

Weight range

Age to begin transition

Small breeds that weigh < 9.07 kgs

9 and 12 months of age

Medium breeds that weigh between 9.07 and 22.6 kgs

12 to 14months of age

Large breeds that weigh more than 22.6 kgs

12 to 24 months of age


  1. When should I switch my dog to senior food? 

While transitioning from adult dog food to senior dog food, it is important to factor in your dog’s weight. Look at this weight table to know when to transition your dog’s food from adult to senior: 

Weight range

Age to begin transition

More than 40.8 kgs

5 years

23.1 to 40.8 kgs

6 years

9.5 to 23.1 kgs

7 years

Up to 9.07 kgs

7 years



  1. What is the best way to introduce a new diet to my dog? 

When changing your dog’s food diet, it’s important to slowly introduce new food. Start by offering your dog’s daily portion in a ratio of 25% new food to 75% current food. During the next three days, gradually increase the amount of new food and decrease the amount of the old food.


  1. What to feed my dog if they are overweight? 

If your dog has gained unhealthy weight, make sure to cut down on fats along with increasing regular exercise. We recommend you browse through IAMS™ products and choose dog foods that are low on fat. How much food to feed your dog if they are overweight, is another major concern. You can consult your vet to understand the right amount of food your furry friend needs for each meal.


  1. What should I feed my pregnant or nursing dog?

It’s important to understand that your dog’s nutritional needs change during pregnancy and ensure you feed her nutrition-rich food. For pregnant dogs, we recommend IAMS™ Puppy food as it’s full of proteins that can help your pregnant dog during the gestation period and improve the quality of milk to nourish her puppies post-delivery. 


  1. Is it necessary to feed both wet and dry food? 

Wet food is an excellent treat that can be fed alone or mixed with dry food. Although IAMS wet dog foods are nutritionally complete and balanced, it is not necessary to offer wet food at every feeding. Our dry foods are formulated with high-quality protein sources such as chicken and contain all the essential nutrients pets need. The crunchy texture of dry food also promotes healthy teeth and gums, and aids in overall good oral hygiene. In addition, some of our dry dog foods contain a dental enhancement to help block tartar buildup on teeth during and after meals. 


  1. Will my dog be bored eating the same food all the time? 

No. Unlike humans, dogs have fewer taste receptors. Hence, they won’t feel the urge to eat something different every day. In fact, if you find something that suits your dog’s overall health and preferences, stick to that food.


  1.  Is it all right to moisten dry food? 

Soaking dry food will ease up the initial job of the digestive enzymes. While water will not change its nutritional value, the food should be eaten relatively soon. Moreover, ensure that the leftover portion is discarded to avoid spoilage. We recommend providing your dog with IAMS™ dry food because it is beneficial to your dog’s dental health as well.


  1. Can dogs eat cat food?

No. Cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements. Moreover, cat foods are made with higher fat levels, which can be harmful to a dog. While it is okay for dogs and cats to sniff and lick some food from each other’s bowl, you shouldn’t let dogs eat cat food.


  1. How many biscuits can I feed my dog each day? 

We recommend feeding your dog approximately two to four small biscuits per cup of food. Keep in mind that when you add biscuits to your dog’s daily diet, this increases its daily calorie intake, so you should reduce the amount of food you feed. Check the calorie content of the biscuit since biscuits vary in size and formulation.


  1. Can I supplement my dog foods with vitamins, minerals, oils, etc.? 

Since IAMS™ dog foods are nutritionally complete and balanced, adding more vitamins, minerals or oils can disrupt the balance our dog food provides. The reason why you provide your dog with a high-quality product is that it has been developed to offer nourishment in proper ratios and ensure optimal nutrition. Hence, nothing needs to be added.


  1. Why does my dog need to eat protein? 

Protein is one of the essential elements that should be a part of your dog’s diet. Including protein in your dog’s diet will strengthen its muscles, ligaments, and cartilages. A protein-rich food also brings about a healthy shine to your dog’s coat! 


  1. Why should one maintain a feeding schedule for dogs?

It is important to maintain a feeding schedule for dogs so that they are conditioned to expect food at that time and avoid irregular snacking in between. 


  1. What are the things a dog cannot eat?  

You should never feed your dog home-baked goods, candy, gum, chocolate, limes, onion, and grapes. They can harm your dog’s digestive tract and cause infections as well. 


  1. Why should you feed IAMS™ dog food over homecooked food?

IAMS™ dog food is full of key nutrients that your dog needs for its healthy growth. The basic ingredients in our food include chicken, fish oil, beet pulp, wholesome grains, and natural prebiotic.


  1. How can I learn more about pet nutrition?

Follow our blogs to know more about pet nutrition and dog food diet. Feel free to contact us here in case of any queries.

  • Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful
    Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful
    Can Dogs Eat Human Foods? Knowing What's Safe and Harmful

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    We often find ourselves wanting to share our meals with our furry companions. While it's natural to want to share every aspect of our lives with them, should we really include dogs in our gastronomic adventures? Let’s find out!

    Can dogs eat human foods?

    The answer is both yes and no. While dogs are omnivores and can eat a variety of foods, their digestive systems differ significantly from ours. This means that some human foods that are perfectly safe for us can actually be harmful or even toxic to our canine companions.

    Human foods: What can dogs eat

    Here are some safe and healthy human foods dogs can eat:

    • Carrots: Crunchy and delicious, carrots are excellent for dental health and packed with essential nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamin A.
    • Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon promotes healthy skin and coat, and is a good source of protein. Remember to cook it without harmful seasonings or oils.
    • Blueberries: These tiny berries are bursting with antioxidants and fiber, making them a healthy and delicious treat for your dog.
    • Eggs: Scrambled or hard-boiled, cooked eggs are a safe and nutritious protein source for dogs.
    • Peanut butter: Unsweetened and unsalted peanut butter is a tasty and healthy source of fat for your dog. You can even use it to fill puzzle toys for extra mental stimulation.

    Human foods: What can dogs not eat

    Beware of these common human foods that are toxic to dogs:

    • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, a stimulant that can cause heart problems, vomiting, seizures, and even death in dogs.
    • Grapes and raisins: These pose a risk of kidney failure in dogs, even in small quantities.
    • Onions and garlic: Toxic even in small quantities, these can cause anemia and damage red blood cells in dogs.
    • Avocado: The flesh and pit of avocados contain persin, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis in dogs.
    • Macadamia nuts: These nuts can cause weakness, tremors, hyperthermia, and even death in dogs.

    Additional tips:

    • Always introduce new foods slowly to avoid digestive upset.
    • Moderation is key. Even safe foods should be given in moderation to avoid weight gain and other health problems.
    • Consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about specific foods or your dog's health.

    Choosing the right food for your dog

    While it's certainly tempting to share our meals with our beloved furry companions, it's crucial to remember that their dietary needs are distinct from ours. Human foods, even those seemingly harmless, can be detrimental to a dog's health.

    Why? Unlike human food, dog food is specially formulated to meet their specific nutritional requirements. It's a carefully balanced diet packed with proteins, essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients vital for their overall well-being.

    Why specialised dog food matters

    • Balanced nutrition: Dog food is carefully formulated to provide all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients your dog needs for optimal growth and development. It ensures they receive the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber, promoting a healthy immune system, strong bones and muscles, and a shiny coat.
    • Digestive health: Human food can be difficult for dogs to digest, leading to gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dog food is designed to be easily digestible by their sensitive systems, promoting optimal nutrient absorption and gut health.
    • Specific needs: Different breeds and life stages have varying nutritional requirements. Puppies need additional energy and nutrients for growth, while older dogs may require a diet lower in calories and fat. Specialised dog food caters to these specific needs, ensuring your furry friend receives the right nutrition for their age and breed.

    For instance, IAMS dog food is crafted with your dog's health in mind. It provides a range of benefits such as:

    • Strong and healthy bones and muscles: IAMS dog food is rich in protein, which is crucial for supporting healthy growth and development.
    • Shiny coat and healthy skin: The food contains essential fatty acids that contribute to a radiant coat and healthy skin.
    • Enhanced immunity: IAMS provides vital nutrients that help boost your dog's immune system, protecting them from illnesses.
    • Improved digestive health: The food contains prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy digestion and gut health.

    Our ultimate goal is to take the best care of our dogs. This means feeding them with nutrient-rich foods that cater to their specific dietary needs. By choosing the right food, like IAMS products, you ensure that your dog stays healthy, energetic, and happy.