Feeding Tips for Your Teething Puppy
Feeding Tips for Your Teething Puppy

What to Feed a Teething Puppy?

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Puppies grow quickly and have special nutritional needs to keep their bodies strong. The most noticeable period of a pup’s growth phase is known as the rapid growth stage, which occurs between 2 and 6 months of age. From about 3 to 6 months, most pups will lose their puppy teeth. In fact, you might find a tooth near the feeding dish or on the floor, and this is quite normal. However, you may also be left wondering what to feed a teething puppy. This is a perfectly normal query that tends to concern a lot of pet parents. 


During the teething phase, the young pup’s mouth and gums may be very sensitive, which could cause them to be a bit picky when it comes to eating. There's nothing you can do except to wait it out, even if their appetite is low for a couple of days.


Teething puppy tips

While teething is painful for puppies, there are a few tips for teething puppy that can make them feel better. Here is a quick guide for you on what to give a teething puppy in terms of food and toys: 


  • Feeding a teething puppy

Your puppy may seem uninterested in dry food during teething. But don't switch to a new formula to stimulate your puppy's appetite. Changing food at this time can cause additional stress and intestinal upset. The tips below could help your puppy make the change:

  • Mix their regular, premium dry food with premium canned puppy food to soften the dry food and make mealtime even more appealing. Or try some moist food to help him through this sensitive period.
  • Soak dry food in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes before serving. Feeding dry food and biscuits loosens the teeth, so pups can get through the teething process quicker. If their appetite loss persists, see your veterinarian before you switch food.


  • Choosing chewing toys

Encourage your young dog to chew on toys by choosing chew toys that are appropriate for their size. Also, pick a variety of textures to keep them interested in the toys. You can also try giving them frozen toys that are shaped like a bone. Always keep an eye on the puppies while they are busy chewing the toys, to ensure they don’t bite off chunks. If that happens, do make sure to replace the toy immediately.


  • Other ways to alleviate teething pain

You can also give your puppy a clean and damp washcloth, chilled for a few hours. Chewing on this will also provide some much-needed relief. Do ensure that you supervise the puppy while they are chewing on this cloth so that they don’t ingest any sections of it. 


A few other things to remember

Teething is a painful process for the puppies and can cause just as much inconvenience to the owners. Your puppy may lose their appetite and may experience a lot of pain and discomfort. But it is essential to get them through it all while also maintaining their diet. You can consult your vet for any major decisions or choices you make for your puppy during this time - the choice of toys, food, and other soothing methods. You will also have to keep constant vigilance to prevent your little companion from chewing on anything that may harm them, like shoes or the couch. These six months of the teething period may be hard, but you will certainly enjoy seeing them grow through this phase.

In addition to teething, ensuring excellent dental care for your dogs or puppies is of utmost importance. Discover our captivating blog post on dog dental care, and unlock a world of techniques to keep those pearly whites shining bright!

FAQs on teething puppies

  1. How long does teething in puppies last?
  2. The teething process for puppies may last for about six months.


  3. How can I help my puppy with teething?
  4. There are several ways through which you can help your puppies with the process of teething. Firstly, you can get safe chew toys for them. Secondly, you can help them get through the appetite loss. For this, you can prepare suitable teething puppy food by mixing regular dry food with parts of canned food. You can also soak their dry food in warm water for a few minutes. Apart from these steps, you can give your little furry friend a chilled clean and damp washcloth to chew on.


  5. What are the symptoms of a teething puppy?
  6. When your puppy is teething, you may see the following symptoms: drooling, bad breath, gum inflammation, gums bleeding, increased chewing tendency, missing teeth, and a loss of appetite.


  7. What to feed a teething puppy?
  8. Teething is painful for puppies and can cause them a lot of discomfort. Due to this, they may not feel like eating and can get even more reluctant to eat dry food. You can try giving them a mixture of their regular dry food with canned food or soaking their dry food for a few minutes before serving.


  9. What can I give my puppy for teething pain?
  10. Two things that can soothe your puppy’s teething pain and discomfort are chew toys and a chilled clean and damp washcloth.


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    Benefits & Side Effects of Vitamin E for Dogs

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    In the realm of pet care and canine health, certain nutrients often take centre stage, and one such nutrient is vitamin E for dogs. While it might get as much attention as the other vitamins, the impact of vitamin E on your dog's well-being is significant. From bolstering their immune system to promoting a lustrous coat, this nutrient plays a crucial role in keeping your furry friend in top-notch condition. Join us as we delve into the world of vitamin E for dogs, exploring its multifaceted benefits and uncovering the sources that can contribute to your pup's overall vitality.

    What is vitamin E?

    Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant, is a vital player in the health of both humans and our four-legged friends. Grouped into tocopherols and tocotrienols, this nutrient operates as a stalwart defender against free radicals, those troublemakers causing oxidative stress in the body. In simpler terms, it is a guardian of cells. Vitamin E for dogs supports immune function, maintaining skin health, and even contributing to good vision. The catch is that dogs cannot generate vitamin E in their systems, so it is on us, the providers of kibble and treats, to ensure they get their dose.

    Can dogs have vitamin E?

    Absolutely, dogs can and should have vitamin E as part of their dietary intake. Since our furry friends cannot produce this essential nutrient internally, it becomes crucial to incorporate it into their meals. Dog foods often include vitamin E, but if you are preparing homemade meals or noticing a lack in their diet, supplementation may be necessary. This vitamin is not only a defender against oxidative stress but also contributes to the maintenance of healthy skin, a shiny coat, and a robust immune system. While moderation is key in all things, ensuring your canine companion gets an appropriate amount of vitamin E can significantly contribute to their overall health and well-being. Always consult with your veterinarian to determine the right balance for your specific dog's needs.

    Is vitamin E good for dogs?

    Without a doubt, vitamin E is exceptionally beneficial for dogs. Its antioxidant properties play a pivotal role in protecting their cells from damage caused by free radicals, contributing to the prevention of various health issues. This nutrient is particularly crucial for bolstering their immune system, promoting skin health, and ensuring a shiny coat. Dogs experiencing deficiencies in vitamin E may exhibit symptoms such as dull coats, muscle weakness, and impaired vision. Incorporating an adequate amount of vitamin E into your dog's diet can be a proactive step in maintaining their overall health and vitality. However, as with any nutritional component, it is important to strike the right balance, and consulting with your veterinarian is advisable to tailor your dog's diet to their specific needs.

    Benefits of vitamin E for dogs

    Vitamin E is an essential nutrient for dogs. From fortifying cellular defences to enhancing skin and coat brilliance, it offers countless benefits. So, let us understand the crucial role of vitamin E for puppies and dogs in their well-being:

    • Cellular defense

    Vitamin E acts as a stalwart defender, neutralising free radicals that can damage cells over time. By doing so, it helps maintain the structural integrity of cells and supports overall cellular health in your dog.

    • Immune support

    A robust immune system is crucial for your dog's well-being. Vitamin E enhances the production of immune cells, fortifying your dog's defence mechanisms and aiding in the prevention of infections and illnesses.

    • Skin health

    Vitamin E for a dog’s skin is nothing short of magic, contributing to the maintenance of healthy skin. It helps alleviate dryness and irritation, making it particularly beneficial for dogs prone to skin allergies or dermatological issues.

    • Coat brilliance

    The link between a shiny coat and good health is well-established. Vitamin E for puppies and dogs plays a huge role in promoting skin health and hydration directly contributes to the vibrant, glossy appearance of your dog's coat.

    • Vision maintenance

    In the realm of ocular health, vitamin E plays a role in maintaining good vision in dogs. Its antioxidant properties extend to the eyes, helping to protect against age-related degeneration.

    • Muscle and nerve function

    Supporting the health of muscles and nerves, vitamin E for dogs benefits your baby’s overall mobility and vitality. This is particularly important for active dogs and those engaged in regular physical activities.

    • Reproductive health

    For breeding dogs, vitamin E is essential for reproductive health. It aids in fertility and ensures the healthy development of embryos, supporting a smooth reproductive process in females.

    • Anti-inflammatory properties

    In conditions like arthritis, where inflammation is a concern, vitamin E's anti-inflammatory properties can be beneficial. It may help manage inflammation and alleviate discomfort in dogs with joint issues.

    Incorporating vitamin E into your dog's diet offers a holistic approach to their health, addressing various aspects from the cellular level to visible markers like coat condition. As always, consulting with your veterinarian ensures a tailored and effective approach based on your dog's unique needs.

    Vitamin E supplements and foods

    As we curate the perfect blend of flavour and nutrition for our furry companions, let's explore a canine culinary journey featuring vitamin E-rich ingredients. From eggs to safflower oil, each element not only tantalises your dog's taste buds but also delivers the essential goodness of vitamin E, contributing to their overall well-being in delightful bites.

    1. Eggs: Serve up scrambled or boiled eggs for your dog, a protein-packed treat that also delivers vitamin E, promoting a healthy coat and immune system when incorporated into their diet.
    2. Salmon: Cooked salmon is a canine delight, offering not only a burst of omega-3s but also a dose of vitamin E, supporting skin health and bolstering your dog's overall well-being.
    3. Trout: Grilled or baked, trout is a tasty option for your pup that not only satisfies their taste buds but also provides essential vitamin E, contributing to a shiny coat and robust immune system.
    4. Spinach: Lightly cook spinach to harness its nutrient-rich benefits, including vitamin E, but be mindful of moderation due to oxalates, ensuring a balanced addition to your dog's meals.
    5. Safflower oil: A drizzle of safflower oil not only enhances flavour but also introduces vitamin E into your dog's diet, conveniently supporting their overall health when used judiciously.
    6. Sunflower oil: Enhance your dog's meals with a touch of sunflower oil, a source of both flavour and vitamin E, promoting skin and coat health when incorporated in measured amounts.
    7. Soybean oil: Exercise caution due to potential allergies, but in moderation, soybean oil can be a vitamin E-rich addition, providing flavour and nutritional benefits to your dog's meals.

    In the nutritional narrative for our canine friends, vitamin E emerges as a hero, weaving a tale of immune resilience, skin radiance, and overall vitality. Its antioxidant prowess safeguards cells, ensuring a robust foundation for your dog's well-being. As you curate their meals, let vitamin E take the centre stage, offering not just nourishment but a key ingredient in the recipe for a thriving, tail-wagging companion.